
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Combating condensation of PVC windows.

Condensation - the most common problem faced by consumers of PVC windows.
Condensation in the boundary zones on the inner surface of the glass in the winter of operation, usually due to the presence in their construction of an aluminum spacer. International standards allow for temporary condensation on the inner glass pane.

But the standards for window units are not normalized condensate, as this phenomenon depends on a complex external factors: the humidity in the room, the design features of nodes contiguity window units, a lack of convection on the inner glass (because of the wide window sill, improper installation of heating appliances ), etc.

- Fogging windows, condensation and freezing of side slopes and bottom of the frame;
- The emergence of mold and mildew on the slopes due to the accumulation of moisture in the assembly seam and in contiguity frame to the wall;
- Deformation of the sill due to the accumulation of moisture under the sink window, all these flaws in no way related to the quality of installation of windows, but caused solely by ventilation problems with modern sealed windows. According to the norms of internal temperature of the indoor air should not be below +18 ° C. If the temperature is lower than the normative, it is necessary to check the heating system because it can cause condensation.
Humidity in your apartment should not exceed - 55%. This moisture content corresponds to the normal conditions of human life. The apartment must be a functioning ventilation.

There are a few tips to eliminate the possibility of condensation: If the condensation was caused by high humidity, then lowering the indoor humidity and the dew point of transfer to lower temperatures, we recommend the installation of HVAC valve or a room ventilated for 10 - 15 minutes twice per day.
Heat loss in such a small ventilation even in winter, and constitute no more than 3 degrees.

The sill should not be too broad and prevent the passage of warm air. In a wide window sill to provide for the installation of special Prior to the free access of warm air from the heating system to the plane of the window, while ensuring proper air circulation in a circular room. Place the curtain at some distance from the radiators. They should not hinder the passage of the flat air circulation.
Periodically calibrate the system ventilation in your apartment.

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