Drinking water.
What kind of water we drink. The quality of drinking water.
In an ever deteriorating environmental conditions, stress and the strongest loadings in the big cities the quality of drinking water is of particular importance.
After all, drinking water - is the second most important element necessary for the functioning of the body after oxygen. It is a transporter of nutrients and oxygen, helps maintain normal body temperature, removes waste products of cells, regulates salt balance in the body. The human body is 70% of the water. In our homes and offices of the air, as a rule, retain moisture heaters and air conditioners. This leads to additional loss of body moisture, which is necessary to fill.
Tap water, which we use for these purposes, has always been far from the desired quality. This is due to end-of-long pipes, lack of money to repair them, anthropogenic impacts on open water sources, etc. To quench thirst, had drunk some water from the tap, and ...
Here's what some will get into the body with tap water for 25 years:
50 kg of chlorine.
Chlorinated water is bad for the esophagus and stomach. Causes skin irritation, allergies, contribute to the exacerbation of asthmatic disease.
25 kg of nitrate.
Affects the respiratory system and heart.
500 g of alumina (5 aluminum pots). Aluminium accumulates in the liver. And also in the vital areas of the brain, leading to severe disorders of the central nervous system.
3 kg of iron (dumbbell). Overabundance of iron in the body puts the kidney. The high content of iron affect the taste of drinking water and gives it a muddy brown.
1 liter of gasoline (oil).
The question - what kind of water we drink, sooner or later, thinks anyone who care about their own health. We are denied the opportunity to choose the air we breathe. But we have the opportunity to choose the water we drink.
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