Begin repairs to the apartment with a large and bright dreams.
If you do not have it - do not start. After all, just think - three sheets to the family budget will fall apart (no matter what your income, more money - more than fantasy), the house settles discomfort and anxiety, and from communicating with builders, you and your relatives'll pick up the new fashion, not aristocratic.
With a large repair does not really do on their own - some work, such as plumbing and lining require qualification,
Overcoming these obstacles, decide where you will live during the repair.
Better to leave, but if it is not possible, then make a schedule for repairing the same room, starting from a far. Furniture make the room and pack. All floors are covered triple layer polyethylene lapped and taped perekleit - wash building raid failed or anyone else. On all the doors hang additional curtains, protected from dust. That's all you need to do beforehand, but not when you've stripped all the wallpaper and knocked the door.
The next stage - the liberation from old coats.
The Council first - if the wallpaper or paint stick tightly, and the walls and ceilings are smooth, do not remove the need - Clate and paint on top of these layers - do not invent the work itself and builders.
Here are just chalk and lime wash to be sure, it does not stick to the glue. Oil paint from windows and doors can be removed with chemicals (toxic, expensive and ineffective) or heat dryer (industrial and not domestic, you can find cheap enough, then another where neither be amiss) as soon as the paint will rise, it is removed with a spatula.
Although the current building materials and trims skirting easier to buy new than tinkering with the old.
All the places that will not be repaired, it is better seal the masking tape - it is paper-based and easy to unstick, without damaging the surface.
The last - the outlet and switches. Unplug it, remove the lid and tape masking tape. If you do change - remove and insulate the wires (not jumper them together!).
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